– There were significant race by gender differences in students’ education and STEM occupational plans.
– Race and gender differences exsist in perceived cost utility and efficacy of education and occupation outcomes.
– Depending on the definition of STEM careers operationalized in the analysis, variation can be observed in the impact of gender, while the role of the expectancy-value constructs remains largely consistent across multiple definitions of STEM careers.
– While expectancy-value constructs such as utility, interest, and attainment value are significantly related to the STEM career plans of White students, fewer significant relationships between expectancy-value constructs and the STEM career plans of Black and Hispanic students were identified.
Current Selections
ClearSTEM Career Aspirations in Black, Hispanic, and White Ninth-grade Students
STEM Field Persistence: The Impact of Engagement on Postsecondary STEM Persistence for Underrepresented Minority Students
1) Do the BPS:04/09 data support that underrepresented minority students leave STEM fields? 2) Does the BPS:04/09 demonstrate differential engagement for underrepresented minority students in STEM fields? 3) Do the differing engagement behaviors contribute to STEM attrition of underrepresented minorities?
Growing the Roots of STEM Majors: Female Math and Science High School Faculty and the Participation of Students in STEM
What is the role of the demographics of high school faculty, more specifically the proportion of female math and science teachers, on college students’ decisions to declare and/or major in STEM?
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Readiness: Ethno-Linguistic and Gender Differences in High-School Course Selection Patterns
1) What are the ethno-linguistic profiles of high school graduates that entered the ESL program in schools in British Columbia at different ages? 2) What are the determinants and correlates of Grade 12 course selecting patterns (CSP) with respect to student gender, ethno-linguistic group, academic history, grade level at entry and achievement history? 3) What student demographics increase the probability that students will choose classes that prepare them for a STEM major? 4) What are the probabilities of CSP by gender and ethnic group status?
High School Economic Composition and College Persistence
The authors examine variation in college persistence according to the economic composition of high schools, which serves as a proxy for unmeasured high school attributes that are conductive to postsecondary success.
Gender and ethnic differences in precollege mathematics course work related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pathways
How do students of different ethnicity and gender groups differ in advanced mathematics course-taking and in STEM major choice? What student and school factors can explain these differences? How does high school advanced mathematics course-taking account for disparities in STEM major choice?
School Choice and Educational Inequality in South Korea
1) Does the High School Equalization Policy (HSEP) relate to the separation of low and high SES students between schools? 2) Does school’s socioeconomic composition relate to student achievement?
Professional Role Confidence and Gendered Persistence in Engineering
This study examines behavioral and intentional persistence among students who enter an engineering major in college.
Coleman Revisited: School Segregation, Peers, and Frog Ponds
Investigates whether peer effects are the reason that students from minority-concentrated schools attain less education than students from white-concentrated schools.
The Role of Peers and Grades in Determining Major Persistence in the Sciences
This paper examines the determinants of entering and then persisting in physical and life science majors. Also, it investigates the impact of one’s peers on major persistence.
Academic Trajectories of Newcomer Immigrant Youth
How do family characteristics, school characteristics, and individual characteristics associated with the academic trajectory of newcomer immigrant students affect their performance?
Tracking and Transitions Through the Middle Grades: Channeling Educational Trajectories
Examines sources of influence on inner-city students’ initial middle school placements in English and mathematics and continuity and change in placements through the end of middle school
Individual and Organizational Predictors of High School Track Placement
What is the importance of school characteristics in the determination of track placement?