The Diversity in Education site consists of hundreds of detailed summaries of research about education. Each research summary consists of a “reference” to a research article, summarizing the research questions the article addresses and the article’s findings.
These research summaries can be filtered by keywords, research design, methodology, analysis method and units, data and sampling types and more.
The search field on all pages on the site can be used to search all the archives. After 3 letters are typed, the 1st 10 taxonomy terms or article titles that match the typed letters are displayed in a drop down field. Selecting any one of these items will redirect to a list of all articles that include that taxonomy term or to a single article page (if an article title is selected)
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Archive pages can be filtered by multiple taxonomies including, archive, keywords, research designs, analysis methods and researchers. By default, all article references are sorted by publication year, with the most recent articles listed first. Articles can also be sorted by the last name of the primary author. Checking any box in the filter fields will add that taxonomy term to the filter. Multiple taxonomy terms can be selected. With each selection, the list of terms for every taxonomy is updated to show only terms that are included in articles containing the selected terms. The filter fields also display the number of articles that contain a given taxonomy term. These numbers are also updated as additional terms are selected. For a list of all taxonomies used in these archives as well as a full alphabetic listing for all terms in each taxonomy, see: Browse |
![]() Screenshot of a portion of the filter sidebar |

Screenshot of keyword taxonomy term listing and cloud
Taxonomies used to organize articles can be browsed alphabetically. Some taxonomies such as keywords include a cloud of terms configured to show more commonly used terms in larger letters.