What is the impact of school socioeconomic status (SES), school racial density, and school racial diversity on students’ future earnings?
Current Selections
ClearThe K-12 Integration, Desegregation, and Segregation Archive is a searchable database holding detailed abstracts of scholarship about the relationships among school and classroom ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic (SES) composition and a range of educational outcomes from the earliest years through college. You can search it by typing in the search field above or filter it using the options in the sidebar. Abstracts are sorted by most recent publication year and primary author’s last name Read more >>
School Segregation, Education Attainment and Crime. Evidence for the End of Busing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
What was the impact of the end of court ordered desegregation in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools on students’ achievement test scores, criminal activity, and educational attainment? Unitary status and the end of busing in 2002 created conditions for a natural experiment that the study exploits.
Racial Segregation and the Black/White Achievement Gap, 1992 to 2009
H1:As black/white school dissimilarity increase, the black/white achievement gap increases H2:As exposure of black students to white students increases, the black/white achievement gap decreases H3: As exposure of black students to other minority students increases, the black/white achievement gap increases or remains stable H4: As black students become increasingly isolated by themselves, the black/white achievement gap increases.
Comparing Composition Effects in Two Education Systems: The Case of the Belgian Communities
What factors explain the achievement gap between Belgiums two major linguistic communities : French and Dutch ?
The Role of Residential Segregation in Contemporary School Segregation
What is the relationship between school and housing segregation at the metropolitan area level? Do trends in segregation differ by region of the country, specifically in the South and outside of the South?
Do Housing Choice Voucher Holders Live Near Good Schools?
Do housing voucher holders live next to good schools?
Academic Achievement Trajectories of Adolescents from Mexican and East Asian Immigrant Families in the United States
What are the growth patterns of academic achievement of adolescent students from immigrant families?
Equalizing, But Not Greatly: High School Resources and Socioeconomic Inequalities in College Destinations
This study examines if school resources have different effects for low- and high-SES students’ college destinations. This study also examines whether the effects of marks of distinction on college destinations are contingent on student SES.
Exposure to Classroom Poverty and Test Score Achievement: Contextual Effects or Selection?
How does exposure to classroom poverty affect student test achievement?
The Effects of Single-Sex Compared With Coeducational Schooling on Mathematics and Science Achievement: Data From Korea
– Results for eighth graders indicated no differences between students in single-sex and coeducational schools in mathematics and science achievement.
– Results from the 2003 TIMSS data replicated the finding: students’ mathematics and science achievement was unrelated to the gender composition of their school.
– For both the 2007 and the 2003 data sets, students’ performance was consistently significantly predicted by factors related to socioeconomic status; students (both boys and girls) performed better on the mathematics and science exams when their fathers had more education, their families had more resources, and a lower proportion of their schoolmates came from economically disadvantaged families.
– Both boys’ and girls’ mathematics performance was predicted by the amount of time spent on homework; students do worse when they spend relatively more time on mathematics homework (or students spend more time on homework when they are performing poorly).
High School Socioeconomic Segregation and Student Attainment
1) To what degree do student attainment, academic and family background, and school factors vary in low, medium, and high SEC schools? 2) What is the total effect of socioeconomic composition (SEC) on each attainment outcome and to what degree do student factors, peer influences, and school effects mediate the SEC-attainment associations? 3) Is the effect of SEC consistent for students from different SES and ethnic backgrounds?
The Effect of High School Segregation on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills in the United States
1) What is the extent of racial, socioeconomic, and linguistic segregation among U.S. high schools? 2) To what degree are student’s cognitive and non-cognitive skills due to school effects and to individual differences among students? 3) What are the relative magnitudes of the effects of socioeconomic, racial, and linguistic segregation on cognitive and non-cognitive skills compared with the effects of student socioeconomic status, ethnic background, and English language status? 4) To what degree does each of three school mechanisms (school inputs, peer influences, and school practices) mediate the effects of school segregation?
I Think it's Just Natural': The Spatiality of Racial Segregation at a US High School
How does race and it’s ambivalences occur through girls’ everyday and banal spatial practices at school?
Do School Districts Matter?
1) What is the influence of school districts on student achievement relative to the influence of schools, teachers, and individual differences among students? 2) Are there differences among school districts in their contribution to student achievement that are large enough to be relevant for policy? 3) Can districts be categorized based on patterns of influence on student academic achievement in ways that would inform efforts to improve district performance 4) What are the distinctive features of exceptional districts?
The Cost-Effectiveness of Socioeconomic School Integration
1) What is the effect of SES integration on outcomes? 2) Is SES integration a cost effective strategy for diversity? 3) Is SES integration a cost effective strategy for school improvement?
The Enduring Impact of Race: Understanding Disparities in Student Disciplinary Infractions and Achievement
To what extent do persistent race gaps in educational outcomes stem from differences in the level of advantage that students bring to school or from differences in opportunities to succeed offered by the schools they attend?
Intergroup Relations in Integrated Schools: A Glimpse Inside Interdistrict Magnet Schools
How does the extent and quality of intergroup contact experienced by students help to predict their perceptions of the academic environment in the school or their attitudes towards people from other groups (racial and ethnic).
Middle-Income Peers as Educational Resources and the Constitutional Right to Equal Access
Should middle income peers be conceived as educational resources in schools?
What's Past is Prologue: How Precollege Exposure to Racial Diversity Shapes the Impact of College Interracial Interactions
Examines the extent to which students’ precollege exposure to racial/ ethnic diversity moderates the relationships between college interracial interactions and student outcomes (such as (college satisfaction, emotional well-being, and race-related
The Academic Success of East Asian American Youth: The Role of Shadow Education
Hypothesis 1: East Asian American students will be more likely to take a commercial SAT test preparation course than any other racial/ ethnic students. Hypothesis 2: Unlike other racial/ ethnic students, high-achieving students will be more likely than low-achieving students to take a commercial SAT test preparation course among East Asian American students. Hypothesis 3: East Asian American students will benefit more from taking a commercial SAT test preparation course for SAT performance than any other racial/ ethnic students.
School Choice and Educational Inequality in South Korea
1) Does the High School Equalization Policy (HSEP) relate to the separation of low and high SES students between schools? 2) Does school’s socioeconomic composition relate to student achievement?
Classroom Composition and Racial Differences in Opportunities to Learn
How much variation is there in topic coverage and use of instructional tasks among advanced mathematical courses with the same title? To what extent is there classroom level variation and conditioning on classroom level minority composition for courses of the same title?
A Comparison of Academic Achievement and Adherence to the Common School Ideal in Public and Catholic School
1) Does the academic advantage that was observed in Catholic high schools more than two decades ago continue to hold for contemporary students in Catholic middle schools? 2) How closely do difference school sectors adhere to the common school ideal?
Only Here for the Day: The Social Integration of Minority Students at a Majority White High School
Seeks to understand how integration within the same school may be experienced differently by males and females, as this may potentially lead to gender variation in how students approach future integrated situations
How Resource Inequality Among High Schools Reproduces Class Advantages in College Destinations
What is the role of schools’ resources in mediating the effects of family SES on students’ postsecondary destinations?
The Geography of Inequality: Why Separate Means Unequal in American Public Schools
Examines what kinds of schools children of different races and ethnicities are attending and how various school characteristic are associated with overall school performance.
Activating Diversity: The Impact of Student Race on Contributions to Course Discussions
1) Are black students more likely than their white peers to bring up different issues or topics in these classes? If so, are there significant race differences in the degree to which students reference different sociological institutions, cultural symbols, and demographics categories?
2) Do students with different race backgrounds utilize different strategies or resources in these course discussions?
Hate Crimes on Campus: Racial/Ethnic Diversity and Campus Safety
Examines whether the racial/ethnic diversity of a college or university is related to the rate of racially/ethnically motivated hate crimes on campus.
Live and Learn? Contradictions in Residential Patterns and School Demographics
To what degree do Atlanta-area racial and ethnic segregation patterns in public secondary schools reflect those in residential catchment areas?
Students Changing Schools or Students' School Changes: Factors that Shape Trajectories of Exposure to School Segregation
1) Are there distinct trajectories of exposure to school segregation among a nationally representative sample of public school students?(2) If so, what is the relative importance of student school mobility and school segregation trajectories on membership in each distribution?
Policy Implications of Limiting Immigrant Concentration in Danish Public Schools
Would reallocating immigrant students improve total student achievement and/or benefit the educational outcome of immigrant students?
Are ELL Students Underrepresented in Charter Schools? Demographic Trends in New York City, 2006-2008
Empirically examines the gap in English Language Learner (ELL) enrollment between charter schools and traditional public schools and looks at trends in this gap over several years of data in New York City.
Cross-Sectional Associations of Spanish and English Competence and Well-Being in Latino Children of Immigrants in Kindergarten
1. How are Latino children of immigrants’ first and second language competences related to their emotional and
behavioral well-being concurrently in kindergarten?
2. What are the contributions of child, home, and school factors to emotional and behavioral well-being after considering first and second language competences?
Ethnic Matching, School Placement, and Mathematics Achievement of African American Students from Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade
1) Do African American students perform better on mathematics achievement test when taught by an African American teacher? 2) What is the effect of African American teachers on the mathematics outcomes of African American students by gender, school poverty, percentage of minorities in school, and type of community?
Why Racial Integration and Other Policies Since Brown v. Board of Education Have Only Partially Succeeded at Narrowing the Achievement Gap
Reviews previous literature to investigate why the achievement gap continues despite desegregation efforts.
Choice Without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards
Examines diversity and racial isolation within charter schools in 40 states and several dozen metropolitan areas.
Coleman Revisited: School Segregation, Peers, and Frog Ponds
Investigates whether peer effects are the reason that students from minority-concentrated schools attain less education than students from white-concentrated schools.
Long-Run Impacts of School Desegregation & School Quality on Adult Attainments NBER #16664
What are the long-run impacts of court-ordered school desegregation plans on adult attainments?
Teacher Effects on Minority and Disadvantaged Students' Grade Four Achievement
Examines the differential effects of teachers on female, minority, and low-socioeconomic status (SES) students’ achievement in Grade 4.
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Collegiate Cognitive Gains: A Multilevel Analysis of Institutional Influences on Learning and its Equitable Distribution
Addresses whether racial/ethnic inequalities in academic performance that are present at college entry are moderated, exacerbated, or maintained during college and whether institutional attributes are associated with student learning.
Gender Differences in the Effect of Peer SES: Evidence from a Second Quasi-Experimental Case Study
Extends previous research regarding gender differences in the effect of peer SES on reading and math scores among 4th grade Chicago Public School students
Accuracy and Inaccuracy in Teachers' Perceptions of Young Children's Cognitive Abilities: The Role of Child Background and Classroom Context
1. Are teachers more or less accurate in predicting the cognitive skills of students with particular sociodemographic backgrounds? One would expect a certain amount of inaccuracy in teacher perceptions of their students’ skills. But is this error in teacher estimates randomly distributed, or is it systematically related to children’s socio-demographic characteristics?
2. To what extent do teacher characteristics and classroom and school contexts explain teacher perceptual accuracy? For example, are experienced teachers’ better judges of their students’ skills? Are teacher perceptions more accurate in racially, socioeconomically, or academically homogeneous classrooms? In smaller versus larger classrooms? In public versus private schools?
3. How is teacher accuracy influenced by the interplay between student and teacher or classroom characteristics? For instance, are teachers more accurate in estimating the skills of students with whom they share a racial-ethnic back ground? Are teacher assessments of low-SES children less biased in smaller classrooms?
School Desegregation and White Flight Revisited: A Spatial Analysis from a Metropolitan Perspective
Do whites still flee from central city to urban schools? If cross district white flight exists is it related to school desegregation or simply the result of migration to the suburbs? Do whites flee to private schools in the wake of school desegregation policies?
After Seattle: Social Science Research and Narrowly Tailored School Desegregation Plans
Offer a social science rationale for Justice Kennedy’s view about narrow tailoring issues and suggesting several approaches to desegregation plans that may meet narrow tailoring requirement.
Brown in Baltimore: School Desegregation and the Limits of Liberalism
1) What was the trajectory of integration in Baltimore schools? 2) What structures and ideologies fueled rampant school resegregation?