Effects of school characteristics on NC students’ reading and math achievement from 4th through 8th grade.
Current Selections
ClearSchool Structural Characteristics, Student Effort, Peer Associations, and Parental Involvement: The Influence of School- and Individual-Level Factors on Academic Achievement
Examines the extent to which individual-level and school structural variables are predictors of academic achievement among a sample of 10th grade students abstracted from the National Educational Longitudinal Study database.
School Composition and Student Outcomes: A Review of Emerging Areas of Research
Review of current research on school composition and its effects on student outcomes.
Individual and School Structural Effects on African American High School Students' Academic Achievement
Examined the extent to which individual-level and school structural variables predict academic achievement among a sample of 10th grade African American students abstracted from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS) database.
Trends of School Effects on Student Achievement: Evidence from NLS:72, HSB:82, and NELS:92
This study examines the impact of schools on student achievement (mathematics, reading, and science) over time using national probability samples of high school seniors. Our objective is to determine whether schools ‘‘make a difference.’’
Ethnic and Socioeconomic Class Composition and Language Proficiency: A Longitudinal Multilevel Examination in Dutch Elementary Schools
Ascertains the impact of ethnic and socioeconomic composition of pupils’ school classes on language proficiency.
Estimating Correlates of Growth Between Mathematics and Science Achievement Via a Multivariate Multilevel Design with Latent Variables
Examined the relationship between growth in mathematics and science achievement during middle and high school among students and schools, and we demonstrated that such a model was more sensitive to this relationship.
"We Value Diversity, but…" Academic Achievement of White, Middle Class Elementary Students in Segregated and Integrated Schools
Does academic achievement of elementary school children from white, middle class backgrounds differ depending on the racial makeup of their school?
Test Scores, Dropout Rates, and Transfer Rates as Alternative Indicators of High School Performance
Looks at whether schools that are effective in raising test scores are also effective in reducing dropout and transfer rates, and focuses on which school characteristics predict these alternative indicators of performance.
School Choice, Magnet Schools, and the Liberation Model: An Empirical Study
This study examined whether school choice that is implemented through magnet schools affects the segregation of low-income students in school systems.
The Relationship Between PreK-5 and K-5 Elementary School Size and Student Achievement of Grade 5 Students on the Mat7 in SC for the School Years 1996-97 and 1997-98
Determine whether a relationship exists between school size and student achievement in reading and in math in SC public elementary schools.
The Perverse Incentives of the No Child Left Behind Act
Examines the incentives created by NCLBA
Disparities Within: Unequal Spending and Achievement in an Urban School District
Analyzes variations in spending and achievement among 89 public elementary schools.
Economic School Integration
Explores the end of court-ordered desgregation, describes the alternative of socioeconomic integration, and sketches prospects for economic school integration in the future.
What Do Parents Want from Schools? Evidence from the Internet
The aspects of schools parents prefer and how these preferences will affect the socioeconomic and racial composition of schools.
Relationship Between School Composition and Characteristics of School Process and their Effect on Mathematics Achievement
Explores the relationship between school composition and characteristics of school process and investigates their effects on mathematics achievement.
Peer Effects in the Classroom: Learning from Gender and Race Variation
Identify the effects of peers using sources of idisyncratic sources of variation, such as changes in the gender and racial composition.
Poor School Funding, Child Poverty and Mathematics Achievement
New and better design for research on the net achievement effects of poor school funding and child poverty in America.
The Inequality of Separation: Racial Composition of Schools and Academic Achievement
1. Do African American students show significantly lower scores than other students on the Graduation Exit Examination (GEE)? 2. If they show lower scores, can differences in scores on this examination be explained by the SES of the family (as reflected by the occupational prestige and education of parents)? 3. Does the proportion of African Americans in a school tend to raise or lower the examination scores of students in general, controlling for the socio-demographic characteristics of individual students? 4. Can the effect of racial composition of schools be explained by family socioeconomic background of schoolmates? 5. Does the racial composition of schools affect African American and White Students achievement differently? What is the relative importance of these factors as between-school verses within-school determinants of academic achievement?