- The study findings suggest that the teacher tracking system has important implications for the system of student tracking.
- Teacher course assignment system works against the culture of detracking.
- There were small effects for race and gender on track placement.
- Some teachers may be slightly disadvantaged (Blacks and men).
- Teachers with seniority are more likely to teach higher track courses. Therefore, more experienced teachers are more likely to teach higher track courses and lower track students will likely get less experienced teachers.
- Teachers with masters degrees are more likely to teach in upper tracks than teachers without masters, but advanced graduate degrees are not more advantageous.
- Teachers with more training in subject matter are more likely to teach higher tracks.
- Teachers with more pedagogical training are more likely to teach lower tracks.
- Teachers with more motivation tend to teach higher ability students and teachers with outside jobs are more likely to teach students in lower ability classes.
- Teacher tracking contributes to institutional resistance to changes in the structure of student tracking and the magnification of inequalities in opportunities to learn produced by tracking.