– Harmony Public Schools class of 2019 9th graders who responded to the survey were more than twice as likely to declare interest in a STEM-related field major than the average of students (a) across the state of Texas, and (b)across the USA.
-Correlational analyses among all the independent variables revealed low to moderate
correlations among the variables of interest that eliminated the multicollinearity issue for
logistic regressions.
– 9th graders contemplation of choosing a STEM major was significantly different by gender with males being 1.9 times more likely to consider STEM majors in college.
– Students whose parents held a degree from a US college were about 1.8 more likely to consider STEM track after high school.
– One unit increase in the number of STEM SOS project completion was associated with about 1.3 more likelihood for STEM choice.
– Summer camp attendance was associated with 2.4 more likelihood for STEM choice.
– Students with one standard deviation higher GPA were 1.8 times more likely to consider choosing STEM majors after high school graduation.
– Among all the interaction terms (gender and ethnicity [Hispanic, Black, and White] by all school and out-of-school variables) only GPA and gender interaction came out significant favoring females.