– There were moderate effect sizes (Cohen’s d) each year of the study for the Grade 5 STAAR Mathematics scores, Grade 5 STAAR Science scores, Grade 8 STAAR Science scores, and the 2014-2015 Grade 8 exams STAAR Mathematics scores.
– For all years, Grade 5 students in poverty had an average STAAR Mathematics test score that was 6-7 points lower than their peers who were not economically disadvantaged.
– For all years, Grade 5 students in poverty had an average STAAR Science test score that was about 5 points lower than their peers who were not economically disadvantaged.
– For all years, Grade 8 students in poverty had an average STAAR Math test score that was between 5-8 points lower than their peers who were not economically disadvantaged.
– For all years, Grade 8 students in poverty had an average STAAR Science test score that was 6-7 points lower than their peers who were not economically disadvantaged.
– Students who were economically disadvantaged as well as students who were not poor had improved test performance from the 2011-2012 through the 2013-2014 school years.