- PEMC-STEM and other-STEM FGCSs were more likely to feel well prepared in chemistry (35% and 39%, respectively) than non-STEM FGCS peers (22%).
- Among the signiï¬cant ï¬ndings in each group by major category, the common thread is ï¬rst-semester GPA as a predictor of persistence.
- Besides early academic performance, the only other signiï¬cant factor for persistence of PEMC-STEM majors was perceived preparation in math.
- Perceived social fit was signiï¬cant for persistence for the other-STEM and non-STEM majors, whereas perceived academic fit was only signiï¬cant for non-STEM majors.
- Grades matter when predicting FGCSs’ potential of returning for the second year in any major, including the two STEM subcategories.
- There are differences by major grouping that must also be better understood in terms of integration.