– The posited Latina/o community college STEM-VC model was successful in its ability to predict a Latina/o student’s vocational choice in STEM field.
– The exogenous factor/construct of Self-Efficacy, although not a significant predictor of STEM choice, is a critical factor for Latina/o community college students and must be attended to.
– The exogenous factor/construct of Student Validation although not a significant predictor of STEM choice in this study, is a critical factor for Latina/o students and must be attended to.
– The exogenous factor/construct of Transfer Capital is a significant predictor of STEM vocational choice.
– The exogenous factors of Social Capital and Academic Achievement did not emerge as relevant for this specific study.
– Variables associated with an exogenous construct of vocational interests are predictive of STEM vocational choice.
– This study confirmed a model predictive of community college Latina/o student vocational choice in STEM at community colleges. This is noteworthy, as community colleges are critical as educational pathways for Latina/o students working toward STEM degrees