– There should be more emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills, while still being cognizant of the danger of losing the connection between science and society which so often plagues achievement focused efforts.
– The majority of the girls were high in their confidence and their desire and value to learn science. Despite these positive affirmations, their achievement in science remains low.
– The analysis provided four orientations, which linked success in school and experiences with science to confidence and importance of science and definitions of science to value/desire. These are: High Confidence/Antianxiety and High Desire/Value; High Confidence/Antianxiety and Low Desire/Value; Low Confidence/Antianxiety and High Desire/Value; Low Confidence/Antianxiety and Low Desire/Value.
– These orientations are useful to dispel many of the assumptions and stereotypes held about African American girls in science and offer a glimpse into the diversity of students in this urban, low SES community.
– Finally, these typologies enabled the authors to offer specific recommendations to educators to help navigate the complexity of individuals with whom they work in the science classroom.