- White students showed the strongest attachment to school, Black students showed the weakest and
Asians and Hispanic students were in between.
- Compared to White and Black students, Hispanic and Asian students had lower proportions of same-race friends, mainly because they make up a smaller proportion of the student body in many schools.
- Proportion of same-race friends was positively associated with school attachment. The relationship between friendship, racial composition and school attachment was similar across racial groups (when school composition was not considered).
- Proportion of Black peers had a significantly more positive association with school attachment with
Black students than with White students.
- The main effect of school composition was small or nonexistent once friendship composition was
taken into account.
- The relationship between same-race friendships and school attachment was more positive when
the racial group makes up a higher proportion of the student body for Asian students, this pattern did
not appear for Black or Hispanic students.
- There is a significantly positive relationship between proportion of same-race friends and school
attachment in the overall sample. This relationship was not any stronger for Whites than for non-