- Five overarching themes appeared in the analyses. Four of the themes- Selection, Academic Integration, Social Integration, and Convenience- integrate well with existing literature on LLPs. The authors did not find their fifth theme, STEM as Minority, in the relevant literature and believe it is a new contribution to the field of knowledge.
- Students in this study had a clear impression that the LLP was a predominantly academic space that could help them succeed. Most students mentioned that living in another residential space would have hindered their academic success.
- Students described a positively competitive environment that pushes them to be their best; an environment in which everyone is striving for the same goals.
- Peer academic support was a strong and consistent sub-theme of academic integration found throughout the interviews.
- All participants mentioned a direct impact from the LLP on their academic performance and integration, specifically through peer support, increased motivation, and a culture conducive to success.
- Every student interviewed had an overwhelming theme of “community” in their language describing the LLP. They expressed a sense of belonging when talking about what it means to live with students in the same major.
- Many of them mentioned that the LLP is located next to a STEM academic building on campus, making it easier for them to connect with their faculty. This convenience added to the probability of some students asking for help.
- The theme that rapidly emerged from the interviews and was reaffirmed during member checks was the idea that being a student in a STEM major meant being, in essence, a minority when compared to other students on campus. The language from all participants indicated that they felt part of a special community and shared a similar mindset with fellow STEM majors. The findings suggest that living in the LLP helped students to cope with their perception of having “minority” status as a STEM major on campus.