Test the relationship btw trust and achievement / assess whether links btw academic achievement, SES, racial composition are mediated by trust levels
Current Selections
ClearAdolescents' Educational Outcomes: Racial and Ethnic Variations in Peer Network Importance
Examines how peer networks impact educational achievement and attainment.
Before or After the Bell? School Context and Neighborhood Effects on Student Achievement
Explores the relative effects of school and neighborhood characteristics on student achievement.
To Choose or not to Choose: High School Choice and Graduation in Chicago
This article examines differences in graduation
rates between participants and nonparticipants of Chicago’s many public high school choice programs.
Interracial Friendships in the Transition to College: Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together Once They Leave the Nest?
Examines formation of interracial friendships among college students by examining how friendship networks change during the transition from HS to college and explores racial composition of collegiate friendship networks for several racial groups.
Changes in Families, Schools, and the Test Score Gap
Examination of several family and schol-based explanations for test score differences between African American and White students in mathematics over thirty years.
How Changes in Families and Schools are Related to Trends in Black-White Test Scores
Identify the relative contributions of changing family and school characteristics to the narrowing of the gap in black-white test scores over decades.
Composition Matters: The Relationship Between Race and School Composition in Explaining the Black-White Gap
Uses the institutional perspective to explore Black-White differences in high school course taking.
Differences in Scholastic Achievement of Public, Private Government-Dependent, and Private Independent Schools: A Cross-National Analysis
Explain the gross differences in scholastic achievement of Public, Private Government-Dependent, and Private Independent Schools.
Choice, Equity, and the Schools-Within-Schools Reform
- To what extent did subunit themes emphasize students’ disparate occupational and educational futures over their common social and academic needs?
- What rationales did students offer for their subunit selections, and how did their choices reflect their interests, motivations, social backgrounds, and academic abilities?
Estimating the Influence of School Racial and Socioeconomic Composition on Student Learning: Methodological Challenges and Alternative Solutions
How school racial and SES composition influence young children’s academic development above and beyond the characteristics of students themselves?
The Continuing Relationship Between Racial and Socioeconomic Composition and Achievement in North Carolina Schools
Effects of school characteristics on NC students’ reading and math achievement from 4th through 8th grade.
School Structural Characteristics, Student Effort, Peer Associations, and Parental Involvement: The Influence of School- and Individual-Level Factors on Academic Achievement
Examines the extent to which individual-level and school structural variables are predictors of academic achievement among a sample of 10th grade students abstracted from the National Educational Longitudinal Study database.
The Effect of Black Peers on Black Test Scores
Estimate the effect of peer characteristics on student achievement using state testing data from NC and SC and national data from ECLS.
Texas Students' College Expectations: Does High School Racial Composition Matter?
The association between the racial composition of schools and Texas high school students’ educational expectations.
The Ecology of Early Reading Development for Children in Poverty
Investigated reading development from kindergarten to third grade for economically disadvantaged children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort.
Explaining Race Differences in Student Behavior and Academic Achievement: The Relative Contribution of Student, Peer, and School Characteristics
Explore a wide range of variation in individual and contextual influences on the behavior and academic achievement of black and white students.
School Composition Effects in Denmark: Quantile Regression Evidence from PISA 2000
Estimate the effect of the socioeconomic mix of the schools on students’ test scores.
African-American Students' College Transition Trajectory: An Examination of the Effect of High School Composition and Expectations on Degree Attainment
What is the relationship between highschool composition and students’ degree expectations and their effect on degree attainment for African-Americans?
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Pathways: High School Science and Math Coursework and Postsecondary Degree Attainment
1) What levels of high school science and mathematics course-taking are related to future STEM baccalaureate degree attainment among all degree recipients? 2) How do students of different race, class, and gender groups differ in science and mathematics course-taking levels? 3) How does high school course-taking account for these disparities in STEM attainment?
Gap or Gaps- Challenging the Singular Definition of the Achievement Gap
Examine within-group differences and compares those across Latino, African American, and White populations.
Separate But Not Yet Equal: The Relation Between School Finance Adequacy Litigation and African American Student Achievement
Extent to which adequacy litigations functions as a means of narrowing the achievement gap.
Understanding Trends in the Black-White Achievement Gaps During the First Years of School
Examine results of Fryer and Levitt (2004 & 2005) about patterns in the relative academic achievement of young black and white children.
Implications of Income-Based School Assignment Policies for Racial School Segregation
Will income-based integration create racial integration?
School Segregation and Black Achievement: New Evidence from the 2003 NAEP
Studies the relationship between racial composition and achievement using the 2003 and 2005 NAEP data.
Examining Gaps in Mathematics Achievement Among Racial-Ethnic Groups, 1972-1992
Empirically examine several family-and school-based explanations for black-white and Latino-white test score differences over the past 20 years.
Federal Involvement in Local School Districts
Raise the perspective that Brown resulted in at least one great negative unintended consequence for American public schools.
Factors Associated With Mathematics Achievement and Participation in Advanced Mathematics Courses: An Examination of Gender Differences From an International Perspective
This paper reports results of an exploratory study examining factors that might be associated with achievement in mathematics and participation in advanced mathematics courses in Canada, Norway, and the United States of America (USA). These factors, which were not directly related to schooling accounted for large degrees of variability in mathematics achievement scores. Research questions: 1) How are the personal and environmental variables associated with achievement in mathematics for females and males in the three countries? 2) How are the personal and environmental variables associated with participation in advanced mathematics courses for females and males in the three countries?
Addressing Institutional Inequities in Education: The Case of Advanced Placement Courses in California
Evaluate equality of opportunities that students of different races/ethnicities/social classes & communities have to participate in AP courses in CA.
Taking Race Out of the Equation: School Reassignment and the Structure of Peer Effects
1.Learn about the structure of peer effects work. 2. Whether desegregation on the basis of family income has different effects than racial segregation
Estimating Correlates of Growth Between Mathematics and Science Achievement Via a Multivariate Multilevel Design with Latent Variables
Examined the relationship between growth in mathematics and science achievement during middle and high school among students and schools, and we demonstrated that such a model was more sensitive to this relationship.
"We Value Diversity, but…" Academic Achievement of White, Middle Class Elementary Students in Segregated and Integrated Schools
Does academic achievement of elementary school children from white, middle class backgrounds differ depending on the racial makeup of their school?
Does Segregation Still Matter? The Impact of Student Composition on Academic Achievement in High School
Whether racial and socioeconomic segregation is still contributing to the achievement differences among students.
Race, Social Class, and Academic Achievement in US High Schools
Looks at segregation within school,according to race,in core academic courses on student’s academic achievement & the race gap in each at the end of HS
The Schooling of Children of Immigrants: Contextual Effects on the Educational Attainment of the Second Generation
Examine the effect of the class & ethnic composition of the schools that second-generation youths attend in early adolescence on attainment & drop-out
High-Stakes Accountability and Equity: Using Evidence from California's Public Schools Accountability Act to Address the Issues in Williams v. State of California
Analyzes the relationship between the school resources identified in the Williams case -teachers, textbooks, and facilities- and the state’s main measure of school performance.
The Socioeconomic Composition of the Public Schools: A Crucial Consideration in Student Assignment Policy
Brief overview of some of the research relating to the socioeconomic composition of schools.
Disparities Within: Unequal Spending and Achievement in an Urban School District
Analyzes variations in spending and achievement among 89 public elementary schools.
Socioeconomic Integration as a Tool for Diversifying Schools: Promise and Practice in Two Large School Systems
Influence of socioeconomic integration on racial-ethnic diversity in San Francisco, CA and Wake County, NC schools.
The Effect of Group-level Influences on Pupils' Progress in Reading
Investigates the existence or otherwise of group-level effects on progress in reading.
Peer Effects on Student Achievement: Evidence from Chile
Estimates of peer effects on student achievement, using a 1997 census of eight-grade achievement in Chile.